Some recent examples of exhibit/Display/Booth designs/presentations I crafted this year. I was lucky enough to design some big booths for big shows and those displays included video walls, hologram fans, L.E.D. accent lighting and even a full blown 3D Billboard.

Crafted in Blender 3D 3.0 these background animations represent work I like to do. 4K version on Youtube.

A collection of recent VJ Loops/animations I have crafted all geared toward concert/show graphics. Most are seamless 4k Motion Loops and story driven.
All crafted with love and Blender. Available now here

I crafted this city landscape with a giant rift opened up right down the center. Complete with spires, space ships and blade runner feelings.

I pushed my computer to its limits cramming everything I could into this scene to make it better. As I do with all my images.

A 3D matte painting of a desert base crafted in Blender 3D. I used some new addons for this one. Yes they are worth it.lol
An Image I crafted for an art challenge put on by CGBoost.com.A great place for a secret meeting. 3rd Place! Click here for all winners.

A Concept Utilizing all the fun stuff like video panels and L.E.D. Lighting. 3D done in Blender 3D.

A recent design for a company that design computer servers and racks. So I crafted two giant servers with giant light tubes feeding power to the various elements of the display. Crafted with love and care in Blender 3D.

A 20 × 40 Concept. Using the logo as inspiration, I crafted a display with a 3D billboard effect to attract customers.

A high end concept for a company that makes pipe fitting equipment complete with giant tools and moving water video panels.

A mining company wanted to bust out of the typical branding of the industry and make a splash with curves and color.

Blender 3D and a couple Cyberpunk Vending Machines I crafted for in Game Objects.

I carfted a Cyberpunk vending machine using blender 3.0 and the add-on Materializer from Fluent. I made 4K texture maps after baking down the high poly model into a low poly model. you can it on sketchfab here

An image in the future showing how we will get our nature from virtual environments.

A 1 minute Animation crafted in Blender. For the love of the Rocky Mountains.

Blender 3D! What if they came to the rocky mountains!

a 3D CG rendering of a giant ocean dam so big it dwarfs cargo ships! Timelapse on my Youtube Channel.

A blender 3d 3d rendering of a spaceship docking complete with holograms and mist. Watch the TIMELAPSE HERE.

A remote facility on a mineral rich moon. Blender 3D

A still from my animated scene called “Outpost”. Crafted in Blender 3D 3.0, I made every object from scratch including the animals.

A fully 3D scene crafted in blender 3.0. Crafted my own asset pack first then used them in the scene.

A 3D Painting I crafted in Blender 3.0 with some post.

Crafted in Blender3D and finished off in post this image conveys a sense of scale that is immense. To see a tiimelapse of this being crafted click on my youtube channel HERE.

A recent image crafted in Blender 3D-3.0 using some textures I won in a contest. Summer 2021.

I crafted an image from Ridley Scott's 1979 movie masterpiece ALIEN. Blender 3D 3.0

A Hand painted space suit fromthe 1979 film masterpiece “alien”.
Model here:

Crafted in Blender 3D 3.0, these helped push the credibility of the environment I put together for this image here:

Had to do it. Two hand painted 3d models from the 1979 Ridley Scott masterpiece ALIEN. Blender 3d 3.0 Used them in an image here.

Market! A Blender 3D Scene Daily

A single frame from my VJ Loop showing Zues doing his thing. Available now here

A single frame from my new 10 second 4K concert loop “Alien Head”.
Available now here

I crafted a VJ Loop pack that has some alternative ideas about where show visuals could go…Available now HERE:

A single frame from a VJ loop I crafted about a burglar steeling a diamond speaker from a highly secure museum.lol. 1 of 30 of my new motion loop pack “CORTEX”. Available here.

A single frame from my new collection of 4K concert visuals called “whales”.
Available now here

A royal geting down…looks like. A 4k VJ Loop I crafted for my new pack “CORTEX” now available here

4K VJ Loop from my new VJ Loops Pack “CORTEX”. you can pick it up here

Bling! Perfectly seamless rotating and bumping diamond encrusted gold speaker. From my new Motion Loops Pack “CORTEX”. Now available here.

A single frame from my new 4K concert loops pack “CORTEX” now available here. Because I see shows in the Rocky Mountains!

A single frame from my 4k VJ Loop called “Flower” in my new pack caled “CORTEX” now available here.

This is part of my first game asset island pack. I made a fishing shack with a giant set of shark jaws over the door and a fishing net wrapped around the side. model can be viewed on Sketchfab Here: https://skfb.ly/6UVFI

A main view of my first attempt at a video game asset pack all put together.

Part of an asset pack, I made this palm tree in Blender 2.8. I kept the number of polygons as low as I could and used an alpha card for the leaves.

A diorama of a complete hand painted mobile game asset pack. This is my first attempt at game assets so I thought I would start simply and move into more complex objects.

Here is a mobile game asset I hand painted with blender 2.83. I really working the edges and made sure add a little blue tint to go along with the dark volcanic rock look.

A detail of a 3d hand painted mobile game pack. This is the back of my fishing shack complete with a tarp and reflections of paradise in the windows.

A Treasure Chest! One of my first attempts at a 3d game asset. I tried to use every last part of the texture and put it through some post processing to finish it off

A collection of low poly 3d jungle foliage. I tried to make each piece much different from the next and provide a large variety objects. Using only two alpha cards I was able to craft ground cover that can fill a scene.

A teaser for a video game I am developing. I am using unity for this one and I hope to give regular updates as on my progress.

Here is a concert stage I visualized for a marketing firm for 2018 tournament. Tried to show it at night with all lights flashing for drama.

Here is a project I crafted to sharpen my product rendering skills. These wine bottles and grapes are all 3D done in 3-D studio max with some photoshop post to clean it up and help the details.

Board 2 of 2. Here is a presentation for an architectural design competition. Using 2 different blocks we construct a city sized skyscraper complete with a lake, surrounding parks and elevated green zones. I really pushed myself to render the buildings well and push the post process to make them shine.

Many types of building companies need illustrations in order to help move a sale along. This 3-D computer illustration of a steel building showcases how even the most simple of structures can be made to look their best.

Using custom elements combined with a stock cabinetry system gave this design a custom look while keeping the parts manageable for assembly and shipping.

A good example of a case stack presentation. These are made by the hundreds and sent out all over the U.S and more.

An old study served as the inspiration for this window. Attention to the small details helps complete and fill out this display while complimenting the showcased product

Here is an illustration that was made by combining two concepts into one. A center light box is flanked by two kiosks with floating objects in the mid-ground and vinyl on the glass completes the window

I had to take a flat ad and make it 3-D. I made all the texture first and then crafted the individual elements in 3-D making sure they fit and still resembled the original ad.

This window in New York City has all the elements a good window should have. The space is filled but not cluttered and the attention is where it needs to be. On the product. The viewers eye has time to rest before moving onto the next area revealing a measured and comfortable viewing experience.

Lighting is everything in a window display and this window takes advantage of the latest lighting technologies. With LED light ribbons circling around the glory bottle and the pedestals, the window seems to move and explode out of the space.

Good design maximizes resources as this 20'x30' island exhibit illuminates. The creative illustrates how the pieces that make up the larger 20'x30' can be re-configured into two smaller exhibits (a 10'x10' & 10'x20') so that two shows can happen at the same time thereby maximizing selling potential.

A classic example of a 20' x 20' being broken down into both an 10' x 20' and a 10' x 10' out of the same components from the 20' x 20'

This was a fun project to help an endowment organization raise awareness and generate leads. I made the shape language skew young because of target market.

Case stacks are an effective way to to showcase certain brands in creative ways. Here are some examples of some in-store case stacks for beverage companies being creative with the brand identity.

Here is an illustration helping to communicate what a bar would look like if wrapped entirely with just one brand temporarily. The goal is to provide as much visibility as possible while being a cohesive thought.

Here is an interesting project. The city of Denver wants a piece that communicates all the new development coming to Brighton Blvd and to do it in a way that reflects the aesthetic of the neighborhood.

Here is a model and 3-D Print of a 3-D brain puzzle I did for Mark Boulding's new project "boulding blocks". This will part of a series we are developing. It was really fun optimizing the model for print making it as hollow as possible which also made it incredibly light.

Here is an animation/commercial I did for Mark Boulding's new project of brain puzzles named boulding blocks. 3D-max/adobe premier.

The Final Product Shot of “Boulding Blocks” The brain puzzle I helped Mark Boulding develop. I did renderings, 3D print Prep for Shapeways and even the display used at conventions

I made this short film during the 2020 pandemic. The whole project came from getting disaster footage for free around my home town Denver. I used a Sony Handy Cam, Blender and Gimp to put the whole thing together. Hope you like it.

Some recent examples of exhibit/Display/Booth designs/presentations I crafted this year. I was lucky enough to design some big booths for big shows and those displays included video walls, hologram fans, L.E.D. accent lighting and even a full blown 3D Billboard.
Crafted in Blender 3D 3.0 these background animations represent work I like to do. 4K version on Youtube.
A collection of recent VJ Loops/animations I have crafted all geared toward concert/show graphics. Most are seamless 4k Motion Loops and story driven.
All crafted with love and Blender. Available now here
I crafted this city landscape with a giant rift opened up right down the center. Complete with spires, space ships and blade runner feelings.
I pushed my computer to its limits cramming everything I could into this scene to make it better. As I do with all my images.
A 3D matte painting of a desert base crafted in Blender 3D. I used some new addons for this one. Yes they are worth it.lol
An Image I crafted for an art challenge put on by CGBoost.com.A great place for a secret meeting. 3rd Place! Click here for all winners.
A Concept Utilizing all the fun stuff like video panels and L.E.D. Lighting. 3D done in Blender 3D.
A recent design for a company that design computer servers and racks. So I crafted two giant servers with giant light tubes feeding power to the various elements of the display. Crafted with love and care in Blender 3D.
A 20 × 40 Concept. Using the logo as inspiration, I crafted a display with a 3D billboard effect to attract customers.
A high end concept for a company that makes pipe fitting equipment complete with giant tools and moving water video panels.
A mining company wanted to bust out of the typical branding of the industry and make a splash with curves and color.
Blender 3D and a couple Cyberpunk Vending Machines I crafted for in Game Objects.
I carfted a Cyberpunk vending machine using blender 3.0 and the add-on Materializer from Fluent. I made 4K texture maps after baking down the high poly model into a low poly model. you can it on sketchfab here
An image in the future showing how we will get our nature from virtual environments.
A 1 minute Animation crafted in Blender. For the love of the Rocky Mountains.
Blender 3D! What if they came to the rocky mountains!
a 3D CG rendering of a giant ocean dam so big it dwarfs cargo ships! Timelapse on my Youtube Channel.
A concept art piece using #Blender3D. TIMELAPSE HERE.
A blender 3d 3d rendering of a spaceship docking complete with holograms and mist. Watch the TIMELAPSE HERE.
A remote facility on a mineral rich moon. Blender 3D
A still from my animated scene called “Outpost”. Crafted in Blender 3D 3.0, I made every object from scratch including the animals.
A fully 3D scene crafted in blender 3.0. Crafted my own asset pack first then used them in the scene.
A 3D Painting I crafted in Blender 3.0 with some post.
Crafted in Blender3D and finished off in post this image conveys a sense of scale that is immense. To see a tiimelapse of this being crafted click on my youtube channel HERE.
A recent image crafted in Blender 3D-3.0 using some textures I won in a contest. Summer 2021.
I crafted an image from Ridley Scott's 1979 movie masterpiece ALIEN. Blender 3D 3.0
A Hand painted space suit fromthe 1979 film masterpiece “alien”.
Model here:
Crafted in Blender 3D 3.0, these helped push the credibility of the environment I put together for this image here:
Had to do it. Two hand painted 3d models from the 1979 Ridley Scott masterpiece ALIEN. Blender 3d 3.0 Used them in an image here.
Market! A Blender 3D Scene Daily
A single frame from my VJ Loop showing Zues doing his thing. Available now here
A single frame my my new vj loop “Tropical Zoom”.
Available now here
From my new set of concert loops available now here
A single frame from my new 10 second 4K concert loop “Alien Head”.
Available now here
A Still from my Motion loop Called “Bull”. available HERE:
I crafted a VJ Loop pack that has some alternative ideas about where show visuals could go…Available now HERE:
A single frame from a VJ loop I crafted about a burglar steeling a diamond speaker from a highly secure museum.lol. 1 of 30 of my new motion loop pack “CORTEX”. Available here.
A single frame from my new collection of 4K concert visuals called “whales”.
Available now here
A single frame from my new VJ loops called “eye”.
Now Available here
A royal geting down…looks like. A 4k VJ Loop I crafted for my new pack “CORTEX” now available here
A single frame from my new vj loop pack available here
4K VJ Loop from my new VJ Loops Pack “CORTEX”. you can pick it up here
Bling! Perfectly seamless rotating and bumping diamond encrusted gold speaker. From my new Motion Loops Pack “CORTEX”. Now available here.
A single frame from my new VJ Loops pack available here:
A single frame from my new 4K concert loops pack “CORTEX” now available here. Because I see shows in the Rocky Mountains!
I pictured these guys in a submarine saying “can you hear that?” BUY NOW HERE!
A single frame from my 4k VJ Loop called “Flower” in my new pack caled “CORTEX” now available here.
This is part of my first game asset island pack. I made a fishing shack with a giant set of shark jaws over the door and a fishing net wrapped around the side. model can be viewed on Sketchfab Here: https://skfb.ly/6UVFI
A main view of my first attempt at a video game asset pack all put together.
Part of an asset pack, I made this palm tree in Blender 2.8. I kept the number of polygons as low as I could and used an alpha card for the leaves.
A diorama of a complete hand painted mobile game asset pack. This is my first attempt at game assets so I thought I would start simply and move into more complex objects.
Here is a mobile game asset I hand painted with blender 2.83. I really working the edges and made sure add a little blue tint to go along with the dark volcanic rock look.
A detail of a 3d hand painted mobile game pack. This is the back of my fishing shack complete with a tarp and reflections of paradise in the windows.
A Treasure Chest! One of my first attempts at a 3d game asset. I tried to use every last part of the texture and put it through some post processing to finish it off
A collection of low poly 3d jungle foliage. I tried to make each piece much different from the next and provide a large variety objects. Using only two alpha cards I was able to craft ground cover that can fill a scene.
A teaser for a video game I am developing. I am using unity for this one and I hope to give regular updates as on my progress.
Here is a concert stage I visualized for a marketing firm for 2018 tournament. Tried to show it at night with all lights flashing for drama.
Here is a project I crafted to sharpen my product rendering skills. These wine bottles and grapes are all 3D done in 3-D studio max with some photoshop post to clean it up and help the details.
Board 2 of 2. Here is a presentation for an architectural design competition. Using 2 different blocks we construct a city sized skyscraper complete with a lake, surrounding parks and elevated green zones. I really pushed myself to render the buildings well and push the post process to make them shine.
Many types of building companies need illustrations in order to help move a sale along. This 3-D computer illustration of a steel building showcases how even the most simple of structures can be made to look their best.
Using custom elements combined with a stock cabinetry system gave this design a custom look while keeping the parts manageable for assembly and shipping.
A good example of a case stack presentation. These are made by the hundreds and sent out all over the U.S and more.
An old study served as the inspiration for this window. Attention to the small details helps complete and fill out this display while complimenting the showcased product
Here is an illustration that was made by combining two concepts into one. A center light box is flanked by two kiosks with floating objects in the mid-ground and vinyl on the glass completes the window
I had to take a flat ad and make it 3-D. I made all the texture first and then crafted the individual elements in 3-D making sure they fit and still resembled the original ad.
This window in New York City has all the elements a good window should have. The space is filled but not cluttered and the attention is where it needs to be. On the product. The viewers eye has time to rest before moving onto the next area revealing a measured and comfortable viewing experience.
Lighting is everything in a window display and this window takes advantage of the latest lighting technologies. With LED light ribbons circling around the glory bottle and the pedestals, the window seems to move and explode out of the space.
Good design maximizes resources as this 20'x30' island exhibit illuminates. The creative illustrates how the pieces that make up the larger 20'x30' can be re-configured into two smaller exhibits (a 10'x10' & 10'x20') so that two shows can happen at the same time thereby maximizing selling potential.
A classic example of a 20' x 20' being broken down into both an 10' x 20' and a 10' x 10' out of the same components from the 20' x 20'
This was a fun project to help an endowment organization raise awareness and generate leads. I made the shape language skew young because of target market.
Case stacks are an effective way to to showcase certain brands in creative ways. Here are some examples of some in-store case stacks for beverage companies being creative with the brand identity.
Here is an illustration helping to communicate what a bar would look like if wrapped entirely with just one brand temporarily. The goal is to provide as much visibility as possible while being a cohesive thought.
Here is an interesting project. The city of Denver wants a piece that communicates all the new development coming to Brighton Blvd and to do it in a way that reflects the aesthetic of the neighborhood.
Here is a model and 3-D Print of a 3-D brain puzzle I did for Mark Boulding's new project "boulding blocks". This will part of a series we are developing. It was really fun optimizing the model for print making it as hollow as possible which also made it incredibly light.
Here is an animation/commercial I did for Mark Boulding's new project of brain puzzles named boulding blocks. 3D-max/adobe premier.
The Final Product Shot of “Boulding Blocks” The brain puzzle I helped Mark Boulding develop. I did renderings, 3D print Prep for Shapeways and even the display used at conventions
I made this short film during the 2020 pandemic. The whole project came from getting disaster footage for free around my home town Denver. I used a Sony Handy Cam, Blender and Gimp to put the whole thing together. Hope you like it.